Emotional Intelligence

The Aspects of Emotional Intelligence

https://youtu.be/OnlhCepJrpIToday we’re going to talk about emotional intelligence.  Emotional intelligence is simply your ability to recognize, understand, and manage, and influence your own emotions. When you can do this, this improves your ability to do the same with other people.   Emotional intelligence encompasses several different… areas. The first of which is self-awareness, recognizing your

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Are You Impostering?

https://youtu.be/DfoiuT_D2bEHave you ever experienced self-doubt? Lack of confidence? Talked negatively to yourself? Felt inadequate or maybe even unworthy?  Have you ever sabotaged your success, comparing your abilities with those of other people, or have you just doubted your abilities?   Any of these signs can mean that you might be having a bout of imposter

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