How many times have you said to yourself, “I’m so tired of all the divisiveness”? There must be a way to get everyone back to the table, engaged in meaningful dialogue.
I get it. It’s exhausting. Whether it’s in our families, workplaces, or communities, it can feel like we’re stuck in a cycle of disagreement. But what if I told you there is a way forward? A way that starts with each of us—and it’s called emotional intelligence.
At its heart, emotional intelligence is about understanding and managing our own emotions while tuning in to the emotions of others. It’s about pausing instead of reacting. Listening instead of assuming. Connecting instead of retreating into our corners.
Think about a time when a conversation started to take a wrong turn. Maybe voices got louder. Maybe someone shut down. How did you respond? Did you try to defend your point or double down—or did you take a breath and ask yourself, What’s really going on here?
When you tap into emotional intelligence, you’re not just reacting to someone’s words. You’re reading between the lines. You’re noticing the frustration, the fear, the fatigue—emotions we all carry at times. And instead of meeting defensiveness with defensiveness, you’re choosing curiosity. Compassion. Connection.
Now imagine if we all did that—just a little more often. Imagine the ripple effect it could create. One tough conversation turned constructive. One relationship restored. One community reconnected.
Here’s the good news. Emotional intelligence isn’t some rare gift. It’s a skill. And like any skill, it can be developed. Start small. The next time a heated moment arises, ask yourself, What am I feeling? What might this person be feeling? Then, rather than rushing to speak—listen. Really listen.
We may not be able to solve every conflict overnight. But with emotional intelligence, we can start chipping away at the walls that divide us.
And step by step, conversation by conversation, we can make our way back to the table—and build something better together.
If you need ideas on how to initiate the change, call me. Remember – it begins with you.
I’m Roberta Fernandez, Your Ability Activator.